YOU ARE 65% WATER, but we are 100% H2O
The Royal Dutch Waternetwork (KNW) is 100% H2O.
She is leading in this industry, since 1891.
Publisher and owner of this H2O platform (print + online).
Everything in this industry is about reliability.
The same applies for the information that is needed to operate.
The KNW (H2O) is the trusted and respected provider of this NEED-TO-READ information.
Therefore it is wise to be visible here.
By doing so you make smart use of that contact moment.
Communicate exactly when your target group is receptive
Products and services are becoming increasingly complex.
H2O offers you space for your explanation, your content.
In print / website or in the KNW newsletter or in a mix.
Nonsense & Overload & Timing
Since “GDPR” (dutch: AVG) it all started to get complicated.
Today it is harder than ever to come in contact with the market and decisionmakers get irritated easily nowadays, due to aggressive targettting and overload.
This KNW/H2O platform is the elegant solution because through the KNW you project the same perceived trust to your target audience.
Ransom software & trust in the source
Fear of getting hacked is very real in this “critical industry”.
This has a big impact on your marketing. Therefore, use a stage that your target group has trusted for years.
Published 9x per jaar (54th year of publication) 4500 copies each edition (7500 for specials) 20.000 readers
270,000 page views on the front page - and over 400,000 page views per month on the total site - 27,000 unique visitors per month
published 2 x a week - 6,000 subscribers - providing the latest news (linked to the articles on the website) PLUS the list of JOBS-OFFERS in the industry
4 content solutions
print and/or online
Communicating your content is very successful.
So successful that we add a 1/2 page editorial in print or a banner / advertorial in the H2O-KNW newsletter for FREE to your booking
your article in H2O magazine
Your one, two or three page article. We take care of the tasteful layout for you and it is included in the rate. An interview or rewriting your text is also possible
your advertorial on H2O site
Your exclusive content block on the front page site. Photo and explanatory text refers to a content page that we set up for you (you can include video's, PDF etc) The content page has sharing options & link to your website
the ultimate solution
Your "partner content" prominently on the front page of the website for a year. Your own pages with your input + PDFs and videos. Your name is also in the "H2O-www-link". Trusted source. Advertisements or advertorials in H2O magazine + KNW nws letters are included
your advertorial in nws letter
Very effective and quickly deployable. Provide a headline + body text. Your logo and a www link to the page of your choice will complete the communication. We take care of the layout for you.
4 tools:
print and/or online
On top of your advertisement and/or banner booking, we add a 1/2 page editorial in print or a banner / advertorial in the H2O-KNW newsletter for FREE.
Result: extra space for your message + multi platform usage.
your ads in print
20,000 readers each edition (9 editions a year). Leading publication over the last 59 years. FREE with your booking a half page editorial in H2O magazine or banner / advertorial in the KNW / H2O nws letter
banner on front page site
Eyecathing banner position, right on front page. 270,000 page views. 27,000 unique visitors per month. FREE with your booking: a half page editorial in H2O magazine or banner / advertorial in KNW / H2O nws letter
top-of-page on entire website
Widest banner at the top of ALL pages. Also visible for mobile (30% of visits) 27,000 unique visitors per month. FREE with your booking: 2x half page editorial in H2O or 2x banner / advertorial in KNW / H2O nws letter
two types of baners in nws letter
The latest news + presenting the list of JOBS-OFFERS in the industry = powerful communication. Two types of banners: top-of-page banner & column-wide banner. FREE with multiple bookings: a half page editorial in print or advertorial in nws letter.
No editorial calendar(*)
Yes, it is very common for “technical magazines”, to have a very specific and detailed editorial calendar.
But H2O is not having such a calendar, and for a reason!
The Royal Dutch Waternetwork (KNW) is the publisher/owner of H2O.
Because of her leading role for her industry, her focus is, for 100%, on the information needs in her industry at that very moment.
By doing so, H2O is always on point and up to date.
- Your target audience gets a “need-to-read-magazine”, every single time.
- Your target audience gets a physical proof that the KNW knows what is happening in the industry.
- This results in attention and impact for all the H2O issues!!
(*) with the following obvious exceptions:
issue 02/03 Aqua NL
issue 04 KNW spring congress
issue 09 Aquatech
issue 10 KNW fall congress